The following items are acceptable in our landfill:

Asbestos containing materials

Waste containing friable asbestos fibers or asbestos dust as determined using a method specified in section 40(1) of the provincial Hazardous Waste Regulation (B.C. Reg. 63/88). Soil containing asbestos is allowed but with proper paperwork, test samples and reports.

Clean Fill

Uncontaminated material such as rock, sand, gravel, concrete, asphalt, cinder/building blocks and brick.  All material must be 30cm or less in diameter and free from any metal, rebar, mesh and oil or fuel contamination.

Construction and Demolition Debris

Mixed waste loads produced as a result of the construction, renovation and demolition of buildings, and other structures, and includes wood waste, but does not include contaminated waste.  Loads containing demolition or deconstruction material must be free from asbestos and be accompanied by supporting documentation.

Controlled Waste

Solid waste requiring special handling and includes but is not limited to:

Creosote pilings or timbers;

Steel cables;

Emergency and disaster debris

Disposal of controlled waste at Northwin Environmental Ltd. requires 24-48 hours advanced notice so the site can be prepared.  

If you would like to plan to dispose of controlled waste material,  please call 250-850-7511.

Specialties and Experience:

Northwin Environmental is a Campbell River based environmental remediation company that specializes in providing 

cost effective environmental solutions to our clients changing needs.  Northwin’s extensive experience include:

Hazardous waste classification, transport, and disposal

Northwin works with clients for management of hazardous waste from commercial and former commercial sites across the province to ensure packaging of material is completed in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.   Northwin then works with the client to ensure that the disposal of the materials are completed in as per the applicable provincial and federal regulations ensuring clients liability is minimalized.

Northwin also works with clients looking to decommission existing commercial properties such as sawmills or pulp mills to assist with the collection of the chemicals used on the site as part of the daily operation.  We then group the materials based on what the chemical disposal facility requires and package for transport and disposal at a provincially permitted facility.  Northwin is able to manage all aspects of the project including collection, classification, appropriate paperwork and waste tracking, transport and ultimately disposal.

Water Treatment

Northwin works on a holistic approach to water treatment to ensure that the solutions being implemented are meeting the clients overall need.  In many instances Northwin has worked with clients to manage upstream activities that are having drastic impacts on water quality or quantity.  This approach often leads to unloading the existing water treatment system sufficiently to allow for continued use with only minor changes to site actives.

Northwin also works with clients to develop site specific water treatment needs for clients that are completing specific projects.  The image on the left was a picture of a project that we did with BC Hydro to manage 80,000,000 liters of water in a 3-month time frame.  The water was impacted with metals, hydrocarbons, and high in TSS.  We worked with the client to ensure the system was able to meet the aquatic life discharge criteria so as to provide water for returning salmon.  The work was completed with no environmental exceedances.  The system was also designed to operate in a standby mode when no water was being generated.  This allowed for substantial cost savings in fuel and maintenance.

Well Point – Site Dewatering

Through its strategic partnership, Northwin is able to provide site dewatering and well point services.  Through well point systems Northwin works to manage site water and water table to ensure that ideal conditions are achieved.  Northwin also utilizes well point systems to as a remediation technique to ensure that site water is treated for any contaminates of concern prior to discharge to the environment or transport off of site for disposal at a provincially permitted facility.

Chemical Transfer – Chemical Tank cleaning

Northwin works with clients to set up areas for short term chemical storage and chemical transfer.  The image to the left is a former pulp mill site where acid generated as part of the process needed to be transferred from one group of tanks to a second group of 56 – 65,000-liter tanks.  This project was completed with no environmental spillage ahead of schedule and with and under budget.  In Northwin worked with the tank supplier to clean the tanks onsite providing a significant cost savings to the client.

Demolition Services

Northwin works with our sister company Upland Contracting to manage demolition of buildings and industrial sites in a safe and organized approach.  Our strategic partnership with metal recyclers often allows us to load containers and ship direct to markets overseas to maximize our client’s asset recovery.


Northwin works with clients to manage projects from start to finish.  We work with clients to ensure we understand clearly what their goals are and then work them directly to achieve the goals.  Where gaps may exist, Northwin engages with strategic partners to shore up any gaps.  This provides the client with one point of contact and a fully integrated solution to their project.